Training Programs

Basic and Advanced Obedience

Sit, down, stay, come, heel, place – on and off leash with distractions … and more!

Board and Train

Don’t have the time or the desire to do the training yourself – allow me! During our board and train programs, your dog lives in my home and is treated like my own. You receive frequent picture and video updates and get to participate in lessons both during and after training to ensure your dog’s smooth transition back home. Options to bring your dog back home each weekend are also available for added involvement. Board and train programs are fantastic for the basics as well as more in depth behavioral needs, advanced obedience goals, puppy raising, and more!

Puppy Raising

Puppies are adorable that’s definitely true, but the other major truth is just how much work goes into raising them! Want to skip the potty training and sleepless nights? That is where our puppy programs come in. Programs range in length based on your goals and can include obedience, house manners, socialization, environmental exposure, off leash freedom, and competition foundation.

Behavior Modification

Need more than obedience? We have years of experience in behavior modification too. Leash reactivity, hyperactivity, jumping, barking, counter surfing, trash stealing, fear, separation anxiety, aggression between animals, resource guarding, and more. Make a list of your dog’s behaviors that are currently adding stress to your life and let’s tackle them one at a time!

Private Lessons

One-on-one training for you and your dog. Private lessons allow for you to be included in the training process and your involvement at home in between lessons is vital to your dog’s success. Lessons are helpful with teaching your dog the basics and everyday manners.

Therapy and Service Dogs

Searching for the perfect therapy or service dog candidate? We work with some phenomenal breeders and rescue groups so can help you start with the right four paws. Offering CGC testing, public access, and task training. Dogs must pass an evaluation to be accepted into this program – unfortunately not every dog has what it takes.